
vineri, 16 martie 2012

Magazine Paper Art Mail Swap

A fost o incercare grea pentru mine, nestiind cum sa abordez aceasta tema, ce anume pot sa transmit. M-am jucat pur si simplu cu paginile din brosura AVON, le-am decupat, le-am lipit 8-10 intre ele, le-am facut suport pentru colaje, straturi de gesso, imagini si gel medium, acrilice metalice, stampile, creioane cerate si tus negru. 
Magazine Paper Mail Art Swap - Front of the Postcard for Lynn Losak, USA

Magazine Paper Mail Art Swap - Back of the Postcard for Lynn Losak, USA 
Am vrut ceva spre Steampunk dar straturile succesive de acrilic au acoperit partial imaginile. A rezultat o carte postala masculina dar cu 2 parti ce evidentiaza un om (mai degraba absenta lui) si viciul sau (cartile de joc). Intrebarile care au inceput sa ma framante - Cand devine o pasiune viciu? Recunoastem momentul? Ni-l asumam stiind ca ranim pe cei apropiati sau intram intr-o stare alterata a constiintei, in care tot ce facem ni se pare justificat? Pana cand pasiunea este "normala"? 
Poate ma framant prea mult?!

It was a hard try for me, unknowing how to manage this type of collage theme, which I have to express in this paper art swap. I've used magazine paper from an AVON catalog, photos from another, stamps, acrylic paints, metallic paints, crayons, India ink. I really glue the 8-10 magazine paper in between and it came as a masculine postcard form, but with 2 fronts, facing a man (his absence, mainly) and his vice (playing cards). 

When I've finished it, I have my mind set up on the questions: When did a passion become vice? Do we recognize the moment? Do we have an altered state of consciousness and all we do is just justified? When a passion is still "normal"?  

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